Around Muuttoluoto
After a cool spring, we finally had a good opportunity to go out on the water, although time was so tight that we decided to just go sailing and sail around an island depending on the wind.
The wind practically disappeared for an hour or so after the initial trip. After that it gradually came back, picking up to around 10 knots. Actually, 10 knots is the wind speed I prefer, as it combines a nice pace with relaxed cruising. It was very nice to sail forward on the Saimaa waves after the long winter. Surprisingly, the water had already warmed up to 18 degrees, although the official measurements showed a couple of degrees less at Lauritsala weather station.
The Saimaa Canal has basically been open for a long time, but you still don’t see foreign cargo ships on the Saimaa. The reason is reportedly the insurance companies, who consider the Russian section of the canal to be a somewhat risky route. It remains to be seen whether the situation will change this summer.
Sailing around Muuttoluoto was quick as the wind started to pick up there. After rounding, the side wind turned into crowsswind, which moved us back at six knots.
Now the the season is opened with a short sail, and there will surely be more to come. With fuel prices rising, the advantage of free wind energy is becoming more pronounced. It is worth making the most of it on sailing trips.