Signs of Spring
First, it’s worth reassure you, that this blog won’t be a flower blog. Still, appearance of [coltsfoots] at end of March in this part of Finland is such a rare phenamenon, that it’s worth sharing, especially as it’s the first flower of the Finnish spring. Normally they are seen at end of April or in early May. Their appearance is a relatively significant event, that is recognized by the local media often.
University of Helsinki has an online plant atlas, which also has a [prevalence map] for coltsfoot. It shows, that it’s a common flower in the whole Southern Finland, except in part of Botnia area. It surprised me, that it’s very rare in Lapland. Well, that area has a lot of other things to see.
Vernal equinox was passed already and the daylight savings started last night. Still, the appereance of the first flowers is also a remarkable milestone of the approaching sailing season.
[coltsfoots]: [prevalence map]: